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Become a Coach

Become a Coach

Thank you for volunteering to become a COACH for our kids in AYSO Region 16!

Step 1:

Step 2
Get Trained to be a Coach (in person)

  • to coach 6U: you’ll need the 6U Coaching Course
  • to coach 7U and 8U: you’ll need the 8U Coaching Course
  • to coach 10U: you’ll need the 10U Coaching Course
  • to coach 12U: you’ll need the 12U Coaching Course
  • to coach 14U: you’ll need the Intermediate Coaching Course (must have 12U course and a year coaching 12U)
  • to coach 16U or 19U: you’ll need the Advanced Coaching Course (must have Intermediate certification)
Register for all courses at – you use the same login for AYSOU as you do for Sports Connect, so you must have your AYSO Volunteer Application submitted (Step 1, above) before creating your account.

Step 3
Complete AYSO's SAFE HAVEN training (in person)

Coaches must take this in person – online is NOT sufficient. To find a course search AYSOU, as follows:

  1. Be sure to have submitted the National Volunteer Application, or else you won’t be able to access AYSOU.
  2. Go to AYSO’s online training center (AYSO U) with this link:
  3. Enter your login information from Sports Connect (formerly Blue Sombrero).
  4. To register for an in-person course, click on My Courses > Instructor-Led Courses > Safe Haven.

Note to long-time coaches: You only have to take Safe Haven once, not annually. That said, if you took Safe Haven before 2013, you will need to update your credentials by taking the new version of the class. Looking at your course history (in eAYSO or AYSOU), you will satisfy this requirement if your transcript shows credit for the class entitled “AYSO’s Safe Haven,” not “Safe Haven – Coach.”

Step 4
Complete AYSO's CONCUSSION AWARENESS course (online)

  1. Be sure to have submitted the National Volunteer Application, or else you won’t be able to access AYSOU.
  2. Go to AYSO’s online training center (AYSO U) with this link:
  3. Enter your login information from Sports Connect (formerly Blue Sombrero).
  4. In AYSOU, click on My Courses > CDC Concussion Course.

Note to longtime volunteers: You only have to take Concussion Awareness once, not annually.

Step 5
Complete the SUDDEN CARDIAC ARREST training (online - NEW IN 2020)

Once you complete these five steps, register your player at Sports Connect (formerly Blue Sombrero) and check “Coach” when asked to volunteer. You should also email the Division Coach Administrator for your player’s division.